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Locations and hours

A team member hands paperwork to a patient at the front desk of a health center.

Find a clinic near you

Find where our clinics are located throughout Multnomah County. You can also find the kinds of services offered and hours each clinic is open.

Where to find our clinics

Find out where our clinics are located, when they are open, and the kinds of services you can get at each one.

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33 NW Broadway, Suite 380
Portland, OR 97209

3400 SE 26th Ave
Portland, OR 97202

1034 SE 130th Ave
Portland, OR 97233

600 NE 8th St
Gresham, OR 97030

3505 SE 182nd Ave
Gresham, OR 97030

5405 SE Woodward St
Portland, OR 97206

619 NW 6th Avenue, 3rd Floor
Portland, OR 97209

5210 N Kerby St
Portland, OR 97217

6736 NE Killingsworth St
Portland, OR 97218-3317

2735 NE 82nd Ave
Portland, OR 97220

12710 SE Division St
Portland, OR 97236

9000 N Lombard St
Portland, OR 97203

5329 NE MLK Jr Blvd
Portland, OR 97211

12003 NE Shaver St
Portland, OR 97220

1698 SW Cherry Park Road
Troutdale, OR 97060

2020 SE 182nd Ave
Portland, OR 97233

6941 N Central St
Portland, OR 97203

3653 SE 34th Ave
Portland, OR 97202

619 NW 6th Avenue, 1st Floor
Portland, OR 97209

A mobile clinic medical van displays the message Bringing Health to You.

Find a mobile clinic

You can also visit one of our mobile clinics, which bring services to locations across Multnomah County each week.

Hel daryeelkaad u baahantahay

Waxaan bixinnaa daryeel tayo u leh dhammaan baahiyahaaga caafimaad.

SVG File
Icon of a folder with a heart on it.


Daryeelkayagu wuxuu daboolaa dhammaan qeybaha noolashaada, oo ay ku jiraan daryeelka caafimaadka jirka iyo xiska.

SVG File
Icon of a tooth with sparkles on the top right corner.


Kiliinigeenna ilkaha wuxuu bixiyaa baaritaannada joogtada ah, ilko-buuxin, daryeelka degdega ah ee ilkaha, iyo in ka badan.

SVG File
Icon of a prescription bottle.


Goobaheenna farmashiyada todobada ah waxay bixiyaan daawooyin iyo la-talin daawooyin.

SVG File
Icon of a person with upraised arms and a starburst over their head.

Caruurta iyo dhallinyarta

Kiliiniggeena iskoolka ku saleysan wuxuu bixiyaa daryeel loogu talagalay dhammaan dhallinyarada Multnomah County ee jira 5-18 sano.

SVG File
Icon of a ribbon with a loop and crossed tails.

Daaweynta HIV iyo daryeelka

Waxaan bixinnaa daaweynta HIV iyo waxaana kugu xiri karnaa guriyeyn, cunto, iyo taageero dheeraad ah.